Server Infomation


How do I play EternitySMP?

To play EternitySMP we recommend Minecraft Version 1.19.4. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.19.4.

Vote For EternitySMP

A brief description of EternitySMP

Welcome to EternitySMP, the ultimate Minecraft server experience for players who love to build, explore, and trade in a safe and friendly environment! Our server is packed with a variety of plugins that will enhance your gameplay and allow you to create the world of your dreams. From land claiming to player shops, we've got everything you need to make your Minecraft experience truly unforgettable. Our market system is fully functional and allows players to buy and sell items, resources, and even their own plots of land. With an active player economy, you'll have the opportunity to accumulate wealth and invest in your future projects. At EternitySMP, we prioritize the safety and enjoyment of our players. That's why we have a strict no PvP policy, which means you can focus on building, exploring, and collaborating with other players without the worry of being attacked or griefed. We didn't exclude everyone, we have created a arena that allows players who want to battle each other to do so! Our server also offers a wide range of activities and events to keep you entertained, including building competitions, treasure hunts, and group activities. You'll have the opportunity to meet new friends and collaborate on amazing projects together. Join EternitySMP today and start your journey to creating your own unique world! 10k World Border in all worlds Plans to increase World Border by 5k every 50 members, till reaching 30k World Border. At this point the world will stop increasing because 30,000x30,0000 blocks is a lot of area If the need arises the World Border may be increased again at the discretion of EternitySMP Staff. Any World Border upgrades will be announced at EternitySMP News

How popular is EternitySMP?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 500. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for EternitySMP and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score


IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.19.4
Host Location United States
Rank 536
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 82
Last Updated 2444 minutes ago
Join Date 2023-04-27 10:52:45
Game Modes Adventure Bukkit MCMMO PVP Survival Towny
Supported Versions 1.19.4

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