Server Infomation

Everlasting PvP

How do I play Everlasting PvP?

To play Everlasting PvP we recommend Minecraft Version 1.16.5. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.16.5.

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A brief description of Everlasting PvP

[size=100] Everlasting PvP is a Minecraft server open to the public. It is a hybrid server so everyone can have plenty of things to do. We choose staff members from dedicated players who get along with all types of people. If you ever have an issue or problem we will do everything to help. We listen to what the community has to say. Everlasting PvP is made for players to have a fun playing experience. The faction world is a fun, competitive world with PvP, raiding and griefing. Start a faction with a group of friends and form alliances with other players. Steal from enemies and take their land. You can mine in a public mine which is automatically reset every hour. Remember to have fun and if your faction is raided, know that it is the point of the game! Not a fan of griefing or raiding? That's okay, we have a survival world with no stealing or griefing! Your chests are protected as soon as you place them. With a golden shovel you can claim more land for a house or building. Have fun not worrying about being raided in a cool survival world. The creative world is a world for those who don't feel like collecting resources but who want to build right away. This plot world allows for player to use creative mode to build anything they want. Rate and comment on other players' buildings. Have fun with your friends in this world. Everlasting PvP has an assortment of plugins so you can have a great time online. Here is a list of our main plugins: [/size]

How popular is Everlasting PvP?

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Everlasting PvP

IP Address
Server Score
Status Offline
Recommended Version 1.16.5
Host Location United States
Rank 1187
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 14
Last Updated 7314 minutes ago
Join Date 2016-07-24 13:24:49
Game Modes Survival Factions PvP Raiding Creative
Supported Versions 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3

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