Server Infomation

How do I play Area Z12 Server?

To play Area Z12 Server we recommend Minecraft Version 1.19.4. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.19.4.

Vote For Area Z12 Server

A brief description of Area Z12 Server

Servidor Survival sempre rodando as ultimas versões do Minecraft. - 100% PORTUGUES - Aceita conta OFFLINE(Autenticacao ao entrar) - Clans - McMMo - ChestShops - Casamentos(TAG no chat: Love): Pode ter casa para casal e dar beijos - Eventos: Chuva de XP todos dias as 22hrs - Leiloes - Banco para depositos de XP e Money; - Area livre para construcao(com Flags PVP, Nascer MOBs e etc liberadas) - Arenas exclusivas para PVP (24hrs de PvP) - VIPs com beneficios desde set P6 ate spawners - Criador: FabioZumbi12 IP: Site:

How popular is Area Z12 Server?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 40. The number of votes this month is 1 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

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Area Z12 Server

IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.19.4
Host Location Brazil
Rank 481
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 1
Total Votes 1,525
Last Updated 3428 minutes ago
Join Date 2015-10-10 00:00:00
Game Modes Cracked Economy MCMMO PVE PVP Survival
Supported Versions 1.19.4 1.19.3 1.19.2 1.19.1 1.19

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