Server Infomation

Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4

How do I play Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4?

To play Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4 we recommend Minecraft Version 1.20.4. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.20.4.

Vote For Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4

A brief description of Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4

Now Updated to 1.20.4!!! Join.Xaldin Back with a new IP Join.Xaldin running a hubs style server currently with Survival, Creative and Feed the BeastXeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis in the survival server!We use precious stones to claim a 40x40 sponge area so everything you build is protected with wild warps and portals to help you find a nice spot to start building.We area a smaller but really fun community that has been around since 2011 running for over 12 years either by me FinalFormEmma(Sora) or Punjedi and CoreyD97.We have completely revamped our structure. We are now offering more mini-games, new rank structures, tons of new fun additions, Cosmetics, and better tuned survival and economy structures!Running Feed the beast Revelations for the feed the beast server, Fly for everyone in survival, Creative World with plots with rank based world edit, Head Database for Donators and up, Liquid Tanks For storing XP, Lava, Water, Soup, and more, Elevators, UltraCosmetics, XeXp to safely deposit your xp and a lot more.Come check out Xaldin Edge Gaming and find out what Small Scale Epic really means! The server is run on i5 Quad with 32Gs ram with Spigot on CentOs tuned by our resident Linux Guru. Experience the fun of those massive servers but with a manageable size community that actually enjoys your company. Also running standard plugins such as Worldedit/Guard, PreciousStones, Essentials, Citizens, LogBlock, LWC, Stables. ChestShop, xConomy, CraftBook, warpsystem, HeroChat, Xexp, Xjump and many many more... All tuned and configured to give you the smoothest and most fun experience. Server IP version 1.20.4 Join our Discord-, Come play with us.

How popular is Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4?

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Xaldin Edge Gaming 1.20.4

IP Address
Server Score
Status Offline
Recommended Version 1.20.4
Host Location United States
Rank 536
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 139
Last Updated 786 minutes ago
Join Date 2020-07-31 14:39:41
Game Modes Creative Economy Feed the Beast MCMMO Skyblock Survival
Supported Versions 1.20.4

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