Server Infomation

Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4

How do I play Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4?

To play Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4 we recommend Minecraft Version 1.21.4. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.21.4.

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A brief description of Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4

Hardcore SMP is the go-to server for hardcore survival multiplayer, for both Java Edition and Bedrock Edition. There are no world resets, and it is primarily vanilla Minecraft, however it features a couple of additions and tweaks in order to enhance gameplay, and catalyse the multiplayer aspect of the game.

Our most noteworthy added features are:

  • An economy that is completely player-driven, meaning there are no in-game shops for buying and selling normal Minecraft items. Instead, players buy from and sell to each other. This process is facilitated by a trade system and an auction house. Coins, Hardcore SMP's currency, are brought into circulation through looting chests and defeating monsters.
  • A land claiming system. Players can claim areas of land for their bases, farms, etc., completely protecting them from being griefed by other players. Claim owners can also add other players as trusted members to their claims, allowing them to build there. However, if a claim owner dies, their claims are deleted!
  • Two custom items; the Crowbar and the Soup of Life. The Crowbar is a single-use item, which can be used on a monster spawner to acquire it. The Soup of Life is also a single-use item, which can be consumed to grant the consumer an additional heart of health. Both items are sold through in-game shops, and are quite expensive!

  • Hardcore SMP is also completely non-pay-to-win. It features a single premium rank, VIP, on the store, whose perks are purely cosmetic, and do not provide a competitive advantage over other players. Hardcore SMP will never become pay-to-win.

    To join the server, you can use the server address "". However, if you do not have the option to add a server (such as on Xbox, PlayStation or Switch), you can instead add "HardcoreSMP" as an Xbox/cross-platform friend, after which you will be able to join the server through the "Friends" tab.

    We also have a Discord server:

    How popular is Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4?

    Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 100. The number of votes this month is 67 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

    Most Recent Voters

    Below are the five most recent players to vote for Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4 and recieved a reward.

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    Hardcore SMP • 1.21.4

    IP Address
    Server Score
    Status Online
    Recommended Version 1.21.4
    Host Location Canada
    Rank 219
    Players Online 0
    Votes this Month 67
    Total Votes 755
    Last Updated 415 minutes ago
    Join Date 2021-08-26 09:10:48
    Game Modes Economy PVE PVP Survival Survival Games Vanilla
    Supported Versions 1.21.4

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