Server Infomation


How do I play HydroNetwork?

To play HydroNetwork we recommend Minecraft Version 1.19.3. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.19.3.

Vote For HydroNetwork

A brief description of HydroNetwork

HydroNetwork - We are an active growing Towny / Factions server with 15+ playing daily loggins, we aim to make a chill environment server where you can team with other and build an empire or war and purge the opponents teams! --/ /--HydroNetwrok--\ -- What we have to offer! - MCMMO - Shop GUI / Trade GUI - Angle Chests - Semi Vanilla Gameplay - Better RTP - Max groups of 5 - ViaVersion / Crossplay - Chilled player base & Staff team - Key Crates & Ranking system - PvP is allowed if toggled on! - Land Claims - Auction house - Jobs Reborn! - Bi-weekly giveaways! looking for active dedicated members. --/ /--HydroNetwrok--\ -- The discord link : Java IP : HYDRONETWORK.JOIN-MC.COM Bedrock IP : HYDRONETWORK.JOIN-MC.COM Bedrock Port : 25582

How popular is HydroNetwork?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 0. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for HydroNetwork and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score


IP Address
Server Score
Status Offline
Recommended Version 1.19.3
Host Location Afghanistan
Rank 536
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 43
Last Updated 1476 minutes ago
Join Date 2023-05-03 13:46:56
Game Modes Custom Enchants Economy Faction MCMMO PVP Survival
Supported Versions 1.19.3 1.19.2 1.19.1 1.19 1.18.2 1.18.1 1.18 1.17.1 1.17 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.15 1.14.4 1.14.3 1.14.2 1.14.1 1.14 1.13.2 1.13.1 1.13 1.12.2 1.12.1 1.12 1.11.2 1.11.1 1.11 1.10.2 1.10.1 1.10 1.9.4 1.9.3 1.9.2 1.9.1 1.9 1.8.9 1.10

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