Server Infomation

Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop

How do I play Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop?

To play Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop we recommend Minecraft Version 1.18.2. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.18.2.

Vote For Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop

A brief description of Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop

Welcome to Legacy Factions Classic! bringing back the oldschool factions we all grew up on! Join us today to get started on your new favourite server! Plugins : Mcmmo (Skills & levels plugin!) JobsReborn (earn money through picking 3 jobs!) CrateKeys (rewards for voting & playtime!) MobCoins (earn coins for killing mobs, trade for rare rewards) World Border Mob/entity Stacker (stacks mobs & ground items) PaperMoney (withdraw paper notes from your /bal) Xp Bank (deposit xp into your xpbank) Join Today! :

How popular is Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 0. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

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Legacy Factions - McMMO - Jobs - MobCoin - /AH - Shop

IP Address
Server Score
Status Offline
Recommended Version 1.18.2
Host Location United Kingdom
Rank 538
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 668
Last Updated 3044 minutes ago
Join Date 2022-04-17 07:31:22
Game Modes Survival
Supported Versions 1.18.2

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