Server Infomation

How do I play MenacingPvP?

To play MenacingPvP we recommend Minecraft Version 1.20.2. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.20.2.

Vote For MenacingPvP

A brief description of MenacingPvP

If you enjoy pre 1.9 pvp, join us! I played years ago and I liked the original style.

MenacingPvP is a faction, pvp, raid, and griefing server. The gameplay is nearly vanilla, and it isn't easy to acquire good gear. The economy isn't OP and it takes effort to get things, making raiding another faction base that much sweeter. Server is compatible from 1.18-1.20.2!

We've got Jobs to help make every player money, Crate Keys, a limited Shop for some essentials (creeper spawn eggs included), obsidian that's breakable by 4-7 tnt/creeper explosions, auctions, silk spawners for Ranks, combat logger, a kit dueling system and more.

Every vote in the game will give you a Vote Crate Key which gives nice items, and has chances to give a Rare Key and if you're really lucky enough, our Brawler Rank.

Give us a shot, we're new!

How popular is MenacingPvP?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 99. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for MenacingPvP and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score


IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.20.2
Host Location United States
Rank 468
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 255
Last Updated 60 minutes ago
Join Date 2023-11-10 20:48:36
Game Modes Economy Faction Greifing PVP Survival Vanilla
Supported Versions 1.20.2 1.20.1 1.20 1.19.4 1.19.3 1.19.2 1.19.1 1.19 1.18.2

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