Server Infomation

PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1

How do I play PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1?

To play PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1 we recommend Minecraft Version 1.19.1. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.19.1.

Vote For PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1

A brief description of PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1

PhoenixAnarchy is a 1.19.1 Anarchy Server like 2b2t. It is currently the largest and fastest growing 1.19.1 Anarchy server.

In 13 months, PhoenixAnarchy has surpassed +24,000 unique players joins and over +1,300 players in the Discord. With a current average server population of 30-35 players - or around +300 daily players. PhoenixAnarchy has seen three minecraft versions: 1.17, 1.18 and now 1.19

- Survival, Vanilla, No Rules, No Resets, No Bans, Crystal PvP
- Custom plugins for enhanced performance
- Patched dupes (there has never been any active dupe, wealth comes from technical players and farms, providing for a tougher/more immersive anarchy experience)
- Maintaining 20 TPS
- Player limit of 100

1.19.1 Minecraft "Anarchy Servers" are servers that usually have no rules, no bans, no map resets, and traditionally allow the use of hacks/exploits and "hacked clients". The most famous of these servers is, which runs on Minecraft 1.12 and is, as some claim, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft (most notably YouTuber FitMC, Youtuber SalC1 and Youtuber fastvincent1). The server rose to more main-stream popularity after June of 2016 when a YouTuber by the name of TheCampingRusher streamed himself as he played on the server.

TheCampingRusher's video sparked a new wave of joins to the already years-old server. This ignited a war referred to as the "Rusher War", between new-join viewers of TheCampingRusher's videos, and the existing player base of the server. This rise in demand for Anarchy Minecraft Servers encouraged many to create their own "2b2t clones", or servers that attempt to emulate the gameplay experience of 2b2t to varying degrees. For 1.19.1 Anarchy, the most recommended anarchy server is, a 1.19.1 anarchy server started in July 2021.

How popular is PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1?

Currently there is 7 online out of a possible 20. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1 and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score

PhoenixAnarchy 1.19.1

IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.19.1
Host Location United Kingdom
Rank 482
Players Online 7
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 1,346
Last Updated 632 minutes ago
Join Date 2021-07-21 02:12:26
Game Modes Faction Greifing PVP Survival Survival Games Vanilla
Supported Versions 1.19.1 1.18.1 1.17.1

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