Server Infomation

[SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}

How do I play [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}?

To play [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social} we recommend Minecraft Version 1.18.2. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.18.2.

Vote For [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}

A brief description of [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}

Social communities make the best SMP servers!

Here at Quarantine Craft, we offer:

  • A chill, (not always) mature community, to play SMP Minecraft with
  • Anti-Griefing tools that allow you to claim your land, and allow us to revert any damage a griefer has done
  • A fresh world to play in!
  • No pay-to-win donations!
  • Regular Discord community events where we watch certain shows together

  • Ever since we launched about two weeks ago, we've had at active times around 5-10 people online, peaking at 15. Our server rules are pretty standard. And although we do not ban you form innapropriate language, people being dicks will be dealt with. If you recognize yourselves in these values that means we need you!


    How popular is [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}?

    Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 50. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

    Most Recent Voters

    Below are the five most recent players to vote for [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social} and recieved a reward.

    Minecraft Player Username Score

    [SMP] Quarantine Craft {Social}

    IP Address
    Server Score
    Status Online
    Recommended Version 1.18.2
    Host Location Netherlands
    Rank 537
    Players Online 0
    Votes this Month 0
    Total Votes 6,034
    Last Updated 4383 minutes ago
    Join Date 2020-03-31 10:20:29
    Game Modes Bukkit Network Parkour PVE Survival Vanilla
    Supported Versions 1.18.2

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