Server Infomation

How do I play Last Element Avatar Bending Server?

To play Last Element Avatar Bending Server we recommend Minecraft Version 1.20.4. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.20.4.

Vote For Last Element Avatar Bending Server

A brief description of Last Element Avatar Bending Server

Server IP: Website: Discord - - Last Element is a avatar bending server allowing you to push your limits and mastering the elements of Fire Water Air Earth Chi By completing Quests, fighting bosses with our party system, simply voting daily, you are able to acquire all 5 elements and become The Avatar! Becoming the avatar will give you the ability to boost all your powers making you a deadly force to be reckon with Great & Friendly community so much to do from leveling up your character to become stronger for the boss fights or PvP Mastering your elements to use in your day to day grind from flying as Air Bender or creating tunnels to mine from using Earth Bending We Hope To See You Online! This Server Provides! Bending Level-Up Character Stats & Skill Ups Best Land-Claim Plugin, Add Friends To Your Land Claim More Then 1 Area and can expand! Player Market & Shops & Rent City Houses LootBoxes - Get LootBox Key Per Vote Party & Friend List System Party Chat & Private Message Options Quests MCRPG Competitions

How popular is Last Element Avatar Bending Server?

Currently there is 11 online out of a possible 400. The number of votes this month is 1 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for Last Element Avatar Bending Server and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score

Last Element Avatar Bending Server

IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.20.4
Host Location United States
Rank 536
Players Online 11
Votes this Month 1
Total Votes 1,732
Last Updated 1642 minutes ago
Join Date 2020-11-28 06:37:41
Game Modes Adventure Custom Enchants Economy MCMMO PVP Survival
Supported Versions 1.20.4

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