Server Infomation

How do I play CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4?

To play CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4 we recommend Minecraft Version 1.16.5. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.16.5.

Vote For CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4

A brief description of CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4


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1. No griefing or raiding. Dont build on other peoples builds without permission. Dont break or steal other peoples things. To build, you must have the land claimed using the Gold Shovel. Dont create ugly structures such as Cobblestone, or your things will be removed by an OP and land regenerated.

2. No cheating or hacking. Dont use x-ray texture packs or mods. Dont exploit the game mechanics to get an unfair advantage over other players, or use any exploits. Please report exploits and server bugs - do not abuse them
Mods that arent allowed: AutoBuild, AutoFish, AutoMine, AutoWalk, BowAimbot, ClickAimbot, Climb, Excavator/Nuker, FastMine, FastPlace, Flight, Freecam/NoClip, Glide, HighJump, KillAura, NoFall, NoResist/NoSlowDown, NoSwing, Speed and Sprint.
Mods that ARE allowed include: texture packs, chat mods, music mods, map mods except mob and/or player radar, Optifine, and generally anything that does not cheat the game or the server. If in doubt, ask staff.

3. No building near spawn. Do not build near spawn or your builds can be deleted.

4. No trapping. Dont trick others to visit any /home or coordinates to kill them unexpectedly. Dont build traps, holes or 1x1 towers meant to target players.

5. Scamming is not allowed, so please remember that when trading, if you do not follow your end of the deal, OPs can force you to by removing your items. You might instead be temp-banned for scamming.

6. Be nice. Meanness to other players or racism is not allowed. Dont say explicit things or be distasteful. Dont make excessive, non-constructive criticism about the server. Dont disrespect or lie to the staff. Toxic players can be muted or permanently banned.

7. No spam. Dont spam the same text or send messages too quickly, if you do, your messages will automatically not be shown to others. Dont talk in the chat with all capitals. Dont advertise or mention other servers, if you do, you will immediately be banned! URLs are also not allowed in the chat. The only exceptions to this rule is the posting of SkaiaCraft-related links for the purposes of helping players get to the information they are asking for.

8. Dont ask for items or /op. If you want to help the community, find the link under Application at bottom of the to apply. You can also give a donation to get /op, at

9. Dont impersonate any staff member. Staff are not allowed to change in-game passwords for anyone else.

10.No public farms. Mob-droppers, free items centers (including but not limited to: food, XP, Pigman), and overpowered trades are not allowed. Please do not set "/home public", "/accesstrust public" or "/containertrust public" in such areas. Type "/untrust public" and "/untrust " to clear the trusts. Type "/home private" and "/home uninvite " to clear invites. Public /home in the vicinity of any mob spawner that throws items that can be sold, are not allowed.

How popular is CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4?

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CueballCraft Cracked Survival 1.14.4

IP Address
Server Score
Status Offline
Recommended Version 1.16.5
Host Location United States
Rank 1177
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 41,715
Last Updated 2063 minutes ago
Join Date 2015-10-10 00:00:00
Game Modes Cracked Economy PVE PVP Survival Vanilla
Supported Versions 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3

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