Server Infomation

How do I play World of Eldin - 1.18.2?

To play World of Eldin - 1.18.2 we recommend Minecraft Version 1.18.2. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.18.2.

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A brief description of World of Eldin - 1.18.2

Survival | mcMMO | Economy | City Building | Dungeons | MMO Items

Whether out in the wilds, or nestled within city walls, you’ll have plenty to do in the World of Eldin! Founded 10 yrs ago, Eldin is a hard mode survival server with a plethora of plugins to provide a unique gaming experience. You can build a magnificent city or a personal compound in the wild all under protection from griefers. We have an economic system that ties in seamlessly with our city building system. With hard work and our in-game currency called Trade bars, you can build and fight your way to success! Solo or with friends!

  • City Building: Turn your base into a city, make buildings that give your city unique benefits and buffs. And sell your city land to players to increase your city population. If you can dream it, you can build it!

  • Customized Economy: Work the land. Sell and trade with players and the server market system. Amass your fortune and climb the ranks

  • Rank Progression: People will know you not only by name, but by title! When you buy land with Trade bars, you earn rank which is the primary progression of status on the server.

  • McMMO: McMMO adds a leveling system to Eldin that allows you to unlock different perks for different skills as you level.

  • Dungeons: Do you have the courage to face one of our progressively more difficult dungeons? If you do, great rewards like custom armor and weapons await you! But be sure to bring friends before you enter.

  • Guilds: Band together with friends and test your combat skills against other guilds in the guild arena. With guild tokens, you can buy hard-to-get items and bragging rights as you participate in friendly combat.

  • Custom Mythic Mobs: We have custom modeled monsters that you won't see in other servers. Dangerous sharks skulk the oceans, venomous scorpions roam the deserts, and skittish hermit crabs occupy the beaches. These are just a few of the enhanced monsters we've added to the game!

  • Community Strong: Everyone on Eldin is welcoming and friendly! Our community has steadily grown over the past 10 years and we're always looking to add more friends to our network! Eldin is open and welcoming to players of all ages!

  • Now running on Minecraft 1.18.1 at a computer near you!

    How popular is World of Eldin - 1.18.2?

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    World of Eldin - 1.18.2

    IP Address
    Server Score
    Status Online
    Recommended Version 1.18.2
    Host Location Canada
    Rank 483
    Players Online 1
    Votes this Month 0
    Total Votes 16,994
    Last Updated 1618 minutes ago
    Join Date 2017-01-02 16:39:07
    Game Modes Economy MCMMO PVE Roleplay Survival Vanilla
    Supported Versions 1.18.2

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