Server Infomation

NeonHeights Minecraft

How do I play NeonHeights Minecraft?

To play NeonHeights Minecraft we recommend Minecraft Version 1.20.1. You can select different versions of Minecraft via the main menu when loading the launcher and select 1.20.1.

Vote For NeonHeights Minecraft

A brief description of NeonHeights Minecraft

i'm not delusional. I know full well that even a perfect server will not force you to join every waking moment of your life. Despite this truth being known, I attempted to create an environment which at least rewards players who are willing to commit themselves to the grind. Free ranks, monthly goals, among other things will be rewarded to whoever wants to put in the work, with an established foundation in the form of years worth of community, and a firm commitment never to be P2W, will hopefully create an inviting atmosphere for you to join us.

How popular is NeonHeights Minecraft?

Currently there is 0 online out of a possible 32. The number of votes this month is 0 since the 1st. Voting allows you to get rewards for free.

Most Recent Voters

Below are the five most recent players to vote for NeonHeights Minecraft and recieved a reward.

Minecraft Player Username Score

NeonHeights Minecraft

IP Address
Server Score
Status Online
Recommended Version 1.20.1
Host Location United States
Rank 470
Players Online 0
Votes this Month 0
Total Votes 158
Last Updated 3724 minutes ago
Join Date 2022-06-30 10:17:46
Game Modes Custom Enchants MCMMO Parkour PVE PVP Survival
Supported Versions 1.20.1 1.20 1.19.4 1.19.3 1.19.2 1.19.1 1.19

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