Poland Popular Survival Games Minecraft Server List

What is a Survival Games Minecraft Server?

Minecraft is hugely popular based on the main single player experience of Survival, the addition of games to make it quicker to reach a goal. Having a single target to kill or one base to take makes Minecraft much shorter and more accessible for a smaller period of time.

Poland Popular Survival Games Minecraft Servers

Rank Minecraft Server IP Address Game Modes


Minecraft Bedrock PL

KretMC.pl - Najlepszy serwer Minecraft! Minecraft Bedrock: play.kretmc.pl port: 19132 Wersja: 1.8-1.20 Ilosc slotow: 500 Tryby: - Earth SMP -...

Cracked Greifing Network Raiding Survival Survival Games


ByniuMC.pl | Earth SMP

ByniuMC.pl - Najlepszy serwer w Minecraft! Jesteśmy rozwijającym się serwerem Earth SMP Posiadamy system działek, klanów oraz mapę całego serwera...

Bukkit Cracked PVP Survival Survival Games