Minecraft Server Tutorials and Helpful Documents

How to install Votifer

Created by TheToddMod - Youtube Link

Here is a quick tutorial on how to install the votifer plugin on your server, it can be used on your servers to incentivise users to vote for your server.

Step by Step Guide.

How to set up Votifier so users can vote for your Minecraft server on http://minecraft-server.net
Using multicraft (same setup required for personal use on local devices)
This guide assumes you have installed Votifier, by following the steps in this guide here.
Votifier can be downloaded here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/votifier/
Once Votifier has been installed, login to Multicraft, select your Minecraft server, restart you server, then stop your Minecraft server and follow these steps:
1. Log onto your FTP panel via Multicraft. This can be accessed via the left hand side of your control panel under "Files".
2. Navigate to the folder /plugins/Votifier/
3. Click the "edit" button on the right hand side of the "config.yml" file.
4. Change the “port” from 8192 to any 4 digit number above 1024. As an example, 2893 will work.
5. Once you have changed the value of the port from 8192, click the "Save" button on the left side of your screen.
6. Go back to the main control panel of your server, and click the "Restart" button. Votifier will now use the new port that you specified to listen for votes.
Once you have successfully installed the main Votifier plugin, you will need to install a listener, such as SimpleVoteListener or GAListener. A listener is an additional plugin that gets triggered from Votifier, once a vote is received. This is where you set the commands you would like to be executed once a vote is received.
SimpleVoteListener is available here, and is installed the same way as any other plugin.
To change the rewards, in addition to a few other settings, follow these steps:
1. Log onto your FTP panel via Multicraft. This can be accessed via the left hand side of your control panel under "Files".
2. Navigate to the folder /plugins/SimpleVoteListener/
3. Click the "edit" button on the right hand side of the "SimpleVoteListener.yml" file.
4. You can now configure the options as you desire. There are already some defaults which will give a diamond, and 200 units of in-game currency. Please note, that these commands are executed with console permissions.
SimpleVoteListener.yml Configuration Description:
“private-message:” - Sends the username that voted a message privately.
“public-message:” - Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
“offline-commands:” - Commands which will be executed if the user is not connected to your server when they vote. Do not include a slash, “/”.
“login-commands:” - Commands which will be executed when the user connects to your server, if they were not connected when they voted. Do not include a slash, “/”.
“online-commands:” - Commands which will be executed if the user is connected to your server when they vote. Do not include a slash, “/”.
“timed-commands:” - Commands which will be executed the specified amount of time after the vote was received. Do not include a slash, “/”.