1.7.10 Technic Launcher Minecraft Server List

Technic Launcher Servers

These servers are modified in a way that can only be played from within the Technic Launcher, this launcher is used to combine mod packs into giant mods which allows players to hit one download button rather than self setup of many mods which can lead to bugs.

Minecraft Version 1.7.10 Servers

Here is a list of supported Minecraft Version 1.7.10 Servers. This means that if you run Minecraft with the version 1.7.10 you will be able to login and play on any of them! Please note that server owners have the ability to recommend a supported version themselves if they feel you will get a better experience using that instead.

Changes that came in Minecraft 1.7.10 include: Minecraft Realms is the main focus of this update with major features now being possible to be added to Realms. You can now upload your own world to Realms and have more setting choices including turning PvP off. Full update list here.

1.7.10 Technic Launcher Minecraft Servers

Rank Minecraft Server IP Address Game Modes


Apocalyptic Gaming Network is a 10+ year old network founded in 2010 that independently hosts modpacks from the classics to modern packs. We host...

Curse Economy Feed the Beast Skyblock Technic Launcher Towny